Dream of designing a beautiful virtual world
Feeling the limits of planning and design work, I naturally became interested in development. I was thrilled to be able to create something with the newly skill I learn. I was surprised that it coincided with my major I studied (Book Design & Interior Architecture) because I consider user experience and incorporates it into project.
I think of it as the same context as designing a new world online rather than offline. When designing a book or designing a space, we prioritize who to use. Similarly, Design virtual space is approached from a UIUX perspective while thinking about the user. Web design publishers are like online architects.
Do What You Love
I’ve convinced that the data only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. The data only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. The data only way to do create work is to love what you do. -Steven Jobs-
Creative Coder
I was always looking for something I love, so I’ve been working on planning, design, and even development. It could be seen as I have the ability to do various things, but as a result, I didn’t become a deep expert. However, from a different perspective, I’m able to quickly understand and communicate smoothly when collaborating with other teams As I build the online world, I want to grow, develop and become an expert along with my work.
Creative UIUX
Good communication skills
Technical analysis skills
기획력 & 스토리텔링
콘텐츠를 기획하고 풀어나가는 업무를 진행한 경험이 있어서 기획 의도를 파악하고 업무를 하는게 어렵지 않습니다.
영어 & 일본어
다양한 문화를 습득하고 싶어서 배운 2개국어인 영어와 일본어를 중급 수준의 실력을 갖추었습니다.
디자인 & 일러스트
원하는 대상을 의도한 기획대로 그래픽툴로 구현할 수 있는 능력을 갖추고 있습니다. 또한 수채화 일러스트레이터로 활동하였습니다.